Fotos del Bautizo de Esteban en la Parroquia Jesus Maestro en Santo Domingo República Dominicana

Photo shoots at Jesus Maestro Parish, Dominican Republic

It is a very spacious and elegant church located on the street that bears the same name in the City of Santo Domingo. With its colors and structures you can make the appropriate floral decoration to your taste that highlights the spaces that will shine in your photography, as long as it does not break with the rules established by the place.

By communicating directly with the parish you can request their services for Baptisms, Weddings, Confirmations, among others. Once the process has been completed, you can contact me to confirm the availability of the date and book your photo session.

Location type


Best hour


Dawn / Dusk

06:09am / 07:05pm





Permit cost



Weddings and Baptisms


Santo Domingo

Location of

Jesus Maestro Parish, Dominican Republic


Greg Dotel Photography has no affiliation with this destination. This information should only serve as a reference and each individual has the duty to carry out the corresponding investigation with each particular location and its specific requirements. Greg Dotel only offers the photography services that can be provided at this location.

Photo shoots at

Jesus Maestro Parish, Dominican Republic

Check out other photo shoots that we’ve made at this location

Soy fotografo profesional dominicano radicado en Santo Domingo, Republica Dominicana

As a photographer I have specialized in offering a wide variety of photographic services throughout the Dominican Republic, ranging from wedding photos, maternity, quinceañeras, baptism, graduations, birthdays and many more.

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