I tell you that Chris contacted me because he was coming to the D.R. out for a walk and he wanted to make a marriage proposal to Tali (his girlfriend).
The entire time we kept the conversation via email, which turns out I had never seen Chris, not even in photos.
We agreed that he would be walking through the Colonial Zone showing Tali the cathedral and I would be like any tourist taking photos of the surroundings.
When the day arrives, we agree on a meeting point and time. He told me what they would wear (I still had no idea what they looked like physically). Seeing him from afar (because of the colors of his clothes), as we walked towards the meeting point, he made signs to me with his face, while I distracted Tali by showing her the surroundings and I “took photos” of the surroundings as if I had never seen him before. visited the Colonial Zone (my 2nd home 😂).
As we approached, he reached into his pocket and knelt down, and immediately it happened, Tali was stunned with surprise.
The truth is that everything turned out great and we had a lot of laughter because of how everything happened, just as we planned.
Long life and happiness to you!