Pro Photo album


Some of our photography plans include a default album. If you wish, you can upgrade to a larger size and different cover options. If you only want the photo album, you can see the prices below.

Tamaños de álbum de fotos impresos en Santo Domingo, República Dominicana

6″ x 8″

Price: $6,950

Tamaños de álbum de fotos impresos en Santo Domingo, República Dominicana

8″ x 10″

Price: $12,950

Tamaños de álbum de fotos impresos en Santo Domingo, República Dominicana

10″ x 12″

Price: $16,999

Select the Cover leather type

The leather of our albums provides a unique traditional style that will last over time with an elegant and simple style. It is also ideal for any couple or family memory.

Material en piel para álbum de fotos impreso en Santo Domingo, República Dominicana


Material en piel para álbum de fotos impreso en Santo Domingo, República Dominicana


Material en piel para álbum de fotos impreso en Santo Domingo, República Dominicana

Light brown

Material en piel para álbum de fotos impreso en Santo Domingo, República Dominicana

Marrón oscuro

Material en piel para álbum de fotos impreso en Santo Domingo, República Dominicana


Material en piel para álbum de fotos impreso en Santo Domingo, República Dominicana

Rojo vino

Albums that tell your story in the best way

The printed photo albums we offer come in different sizes to suit your tastes. To order, scroll down this page and take note of each of the details described to put together the photo album of your dreams. As soon as you have your favorite details, write to us via email or WhatsApp with all the details.

Album de fotos tapa dura en santo domingo

Image galleries of our albums

A sample of great memories we have created for our clients