Sesión de fotos de novios o pre boda en las Dunas de Bani, República Dominicana por el fotografo dominicano Greg Dotel Photography. Fotos de novios en las minas de sal de Bani.


Lets get to know each other

I want to hear all your ideas

This is where our relationship begins. Do not forget to share your story or your most desired dreams for that special photoshoot. For me it is more important that we connect directly as people, as friends. Because when we feel in an environment of friendship, that is when the best moments for a great story to be preserved flow.

Send me the details of your photo shoot through the following form, I assure you that you will get an immediate response. Hope to hear from you soon!

Getting in contact with me is easy

Phone and Chat

(809) 848-9250

We speak english fluently.


Av. Romulo Betancourt #1354, Bella Vista, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic

Monday to Saturday 09:00am to 06:00pm

Sunday 10:00am to 12:00pm

Our studio location

Sesion de novios de Nairoby y Bryant en los Humedales del Ozama de Santo Domingo Este en la República Dominicana

Kind works

What my clients are saying

Boda celebrada en el Metro Country Club en San Pedro de Macoris por el fotografo dominicano Greg Dotel Photography

Kind words

What my clients are saying

Sesion de fotos bajo la lluvia en Republica Dominicana por el fotografo dominicano Greg Dotel Photography

Kind words

What my clients are saying

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