Birthday party photo gallery

Cumpleaños del niño Alejandro Romero en La Romana, República Dominicana

Birthday photographer for children, adolescents and adults in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. As a photographer I specialize in making reports for birthdays of all kinds, whether the birthday of children, teenagers or adults in their 21, 45 or 65 years of age. This also covers all types of wedding anniversaries, commitment and celebration of any special moment of your life that you want to capture for eternity and your future generations.

Since you have decided to invest time and money in that the birthday is as perfect as possible, it is important that you have photographs that show all that effort after it has finished and you do not have the discomfort all your life of not having kept this beautiful memory. That is why it is important that you delegate your memories to us and that you can fully enjoy your moment without worrying about the loss of a special moment. I and my team love to be part of your celebration, capturing the tears and laughter of enthusiasm in a creative way and with an artistic touch. Our professional photography packages for children, teenagers and adults’ birthdays adapt to different budgets and will help you plan your party better.

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Birthday photographer in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic

I am convinced that birthday parties are one of the best ways to celebrate as a family and unite them all to strengthen emotional bonds. As a birthday photographer I will make sure to capture great moments with your family members that your children will appreciate forever.

Birthday filled with joy and happiness

I know how important your family is to you and for this reason I appreciate those beautiful little moments that happen once in a lifetime and that are enjoyed as a family. In all my photographs during your birthday I like to reflect those connections you have with your family members through a unique story in its essence, full of joy and happiness for everyone.



I know how difficult it is to choose a place for a photo shoot. With this guide I will show you 5 of my favorite locations in the Dominican Republic to make a photo session that you will love.


For me it's important that your photos are everything you have dreamed of and providing you with all the information you need beforehand is the first step to make it possible.

I would love to know more about you and your story. Fill out the form below for more information on my pricing and process guide. In minutes we will be sending it directly to your email. Make sure your email address is spelled correctly.

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Cumpleaños del niño Alejandro Romero en La Romana, República Dominicana